Monday 1 January 2007

Pressure problems

My bag and bellows technique quite obviously sucks. While I can just about maintain a steady drone, when I start playing a tune all attempts to maintain a suitable constant pressure and keep the bag nicely full seem to fail, and inevitably things start to go horribly flat and out of tune. When I do manage to fill the bag up while playing, there's usually something of a pressure surge and so everything goes sharp for a moment, then flat as I realise what's happening and relax my bag arm, and then wavering somewhere back to the proper pitch as the bellows empty (and I direct one eye at the water manometer and see just how under pitch it's showing me to be).

It's a tad on the irritating side, especially when it comes as I'm starting to get the hang of playing the low keyed notes without causing strange squeaking noises.

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